Manikaran Credit & Leasing Co. Pvt. Ltd

Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) registered with Reserve Bank of India
NBFC registered with RBI
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Apply Personal Loan Via WhatsApp

Fastest loan approval in 30 Seconds via automatic WhatsApp Bot.

100 % Transparency

We share complete information regarding the loan with borrower with no hidden charges.

Trust and Safety Assured

As an N.B.F.C we strictly compliant and  follow guidelines laid down by R.B.I .


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Overview Instant Personal Loan 

Avail a Instant Loan in a simple manner. A Instant Loan will always assist you in fulfilling your goals, whether it is a trip to a dream place, refurbishing your home with interior decoration, planning your dream wedding, or managing with a medical emergency.

  • Avail a loan up to Rs. 10 Lakhs.
  • Affordable Rate of Interest starts at 8.96% to 65% (flat).
    Other Charges
  • Processing Charges: 5% + GST [applicable]
  • Convenience Charges: NIL

Annualized Personal Rate Charges vary from 8.96% to 65% (flat) with a flexible period of 3 to 78 Months.

Consider a salaried person avails a personal loan of Rs. 1 Lakh at an interest rate of 14%. The lenders also charge a processing fee to be Rs.2,250 for a tenure of 60 month. Then, the total interest rate payable is Rs. 39,609 & total amount payable is Rs.1,41,859. The EMI will be Rs. 2,326 per month.